Sticky Teriyaki Aubergine - Jamie Olivers 5 Ingredient.
Servings 2 people
- 1 Whole Aubergine
- 1 Bunch Spring Onions
- 2 Whole Chillies 1 Yellow 1 Red etc
- .25 Cup Peanuts Roasted Unsalted
- 50 ml Teriyaki Sauce
- Put a 26cm non-stick frying pan on a high heat and pour in 250mls of water.
- Halve the eggplant lengthways, quickly slash the skin of each half a few times and place skin side down in the pan, then season with sea salt and black pepper.
- Cover and cook for l0 minutes, or until it boils dry and begins to sizzle (listen for the change in sound).
- Meanwhile, trim the spring onions. Cut the whites into 3cm lengths at an angle and put aside.
- Deseed the chilli and finely slice Iengthways with the green part of the spring onions. Place both in a bowl of ice-cold water and put aside to crisp up.
- When the eggplant starts to sizzle, add l tablespoon of olive oil, the white spring onions and the peanuts to the pan, stirring regularly.
- After a few minutes, add a splash of water, drizzle in the teriyaki and reduce to a medium heat.
- Turn the eggplant, jiggle the pan and let it get sticky for a few minutes, then serve sprinkled with the drained green spring onions and chilli and a few peanuts scattered over the dish.