SO I’m compiling a list of commands I’ve used with google home that are confirmed to work. It’s starting out small and hopefully will grow large.
Sanity Check: Commands can and do change as Google updates and generally screws round with the Google Home app. I’ll try keep a status and last confirmed date but hey things change.
I use a simple setup. I’ve got a Google Home mini, a bunch of chromecasts and some of the last available Chromecast Audio’s which are a great way to add an old but awesome set of speakers with an analog or optical input and turn them into a cheap Sonos type speaker that you can add to speaker groups or use as a single set of speakers.
“Hey Google. Play the latest episode of Aly & Fila on the Kitchen Stereo
Hey Google. Louder.

So here are some things you can try on your Google Home while you listen to some awesome music.
Hey Google. Whats the Time.
Hey Google. Whats todays weather
Hey Google. Whats tomorrows weather.
Hey Google. How hot is it.
Hey Google. Turn on Kitchen Television
Hey Google. Turn off Kitchen Television
Hey Google. whats the time in Denver Colorado
Hey Google. Tell me a limerick
Hey Google. Add Milk to my shopping list
Hey Google. Whats on my shopping list
Hey Google. Show my photos on living room tv.
Hey Google Play Aly & fila on all speakers
Hey Google Change to Channel One on Kitchen TV
Hey google Turn on Kitchen Lights
Hey Google Turn on all lights
Hey Google Turn on Kitchen heat pump