Cheesy tomatoey basilly deliciousness. I used all three types of tomatoes because I like them all and I wanted all the different textures in the sauce. You could easily omit one and replace it with more of another depending on what you have on hand or how you like the texture. Continue reading “Baked Caprese Rigatoni”
Easy Double Choc Chip Cookies
An easy never fail chocolate chip cookie. You can add other things instead of chocolate if you like. But who would want to. Continue reading “Easy Double Choc Chip Cookies”
Blueberry Muffins
These are, without a doubt, the most amazing, the most perfect blueberry muffins I have ever eaten. I love them so much that I think I’m going to break my self-imposed rule and keep these stocked in the freezer for a morning when the mood for a blueberry muffin strikes (and I guarantee there will be many of those mornings!). These muffins are extremely tender and moist, and packed with a seemingly endless supply of fresh, juicy blueberries. The batter is quite thick and there’s no skimping – the muffin cups are packed full which makes for generous-sized muffins once they come rolling out of the oven. Some muffins have a glaze, streusel or cinnamon-sugar topping, but I didn’t feel that these needed anything at all. They are awesome enough to stand on their own – no dressing up required. Just a classic, delicious blueberry muffin. These are the best of the best when it comes to blueberry muffins. Continue reading “Blueberry Muffins”
Cycling Courses
I thought since I could I’d share a couple of courses which are part of the regular routes I cycle. The Airport Loop is a 15km circuit around Christchurch Airport and the QE2 Drive cycleway is a popular commuting route for cyclists and one I use regularly too and from work so I shared the courses on Mapmyride in the hope others will use them and we can see who’s the fastest. I’m under no illusion that it’s me but it’s all part of the fun. Continue reading “Cycling Courses”
Drink Drive Calculator
Alcohol contributes to around 30 percent of New Zealand’s fatal road crashes. Over the last 10 years, fatal crashes caused by drink-driving have claimed the lives of around 1,100 people and caused serious injuries to another 5,300.
From 1 December 2014, the alcohol limit lowered for drivers aged 20 years and over. This has created confusion and people are unsure of how much they can drink before being over the legal driving limits.
You can use our calculator below to ESTIMATE your Blood Alcohol Level (BAC)
Before you do though, please read the notes below !!
Man it’s hot today.
Temperatures in Christchurch reached 36.1c at Christchurch Airport around 3pm on 21st December 2015. This is the highest recorded temperature ever in Christchurch and beats the previous December record of 34.5 set in 1975.
At one point MetService recorded 40 degrees at Ohoka in North Canterbury.
Roundabout Indicator Madness
As I cycle to work regularly I getting rather annoyed at the number of people who don’t know how to indicate properly at roundabouts. I’ve had two recent incidents where I’ve almost been hit by drivers doing something different to what they indicated they were going to do.
If you are going straight through, you DON’T indicate a right turn then suddenly flip the indicator to indicate a left turn. ITS WRONG AND CONFUSES OTHERS.
Traverse Problems
South Pole Traverse 1 (SPot1) is on it’s way back from South Pole Station to McMurdo. Traverse 2 (SPoT2) is about 400 miles out from Pole and it seems the tracks on the Caterpillar Challenger tractors are delaminating.
A bit of a concern and replacement tracks will need to be flown out to be replaced in the field.

South Pole Traverse (SPoT1)
Where else would you get to play with big boys toys like this.
This is a cool video check it out in HD…
Each Austral summer we send several traverses on their 1000 mile journey carting over 100,000 gallons of fuel in bladders from the US Antarctic Programs McMurdo Station on Ross Island to our South Pole Station. Continue reading “South Pole Traverse (SPoT1)”
Hello world!
In an effort to wean myself off Facebook and focus more on things that I find interesting I’d like to welcome you to my website. I hope you find something interesting here. Continue reading “Hello world!”